Professeur d'économie - Professor of Economics, HEC Montréal
Date of birth: May 9th, 1977, Montréal, Québec. Canada
Languages: French (Native), English (Fluent) and Spanish (Fluent)
2023-… Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy, HEC Montréal
2017-… Scientific Director, Retirement and Savings Institute, HEC Montréal
2016-… Full Professor, Applied Economics Department, HEC Montréal
2020-… Vice-President Strategy and Government Relations, CIRANO
2019-2023 Research Chair in Intergenerational Economics, HEC Montréal
2014-2019 Industrial Alliance Research Chair on the Economics of Demographic Change, Montréal
2014-2016 Vice President of Public Policy Group, CIRANO
2015-2016 Full Professor, Economics Department, ESG (Business School), Université du Québec à Montréal
2012-2015 Associate Professor, Economics Department, ESG (Business School), Université du Québec à Montreal
2010-2012 Assistant Professor, Economics Department, ESG (Business School), Université du Québec à Montreal
2010-2019 Affiliated Adjunct Economist, RAND Corporation
2006-2010 Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School, RAND Corporation
2009-2010 Economist, RAND Corporation
2005-2009 Associate Economist, RAND Corporation
2005 Ph.D. Economics, CentER, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Advisors: Arthur van Soest and Jan van Ours
2001 M.Sc. Applied Economics, HEC Montréal
2012-… Principal Researcher and Fellow, Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO)
2017-… Research Associate, Aging Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge, MA, United States
2016-… Regular Member, Centre de recherche sur les risques, les enjeux économiques, et les politiques publiques (CRREP), Canada
2008-… International Fellow, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (NETSPAR), Tilburg University, Netherlands
2003-… Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany
2017-… Pension Research Council, Nonresident Visiting Scholar, The Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania, PA, United States
2024 King Charles III’s Coronation Medal
2023 Esdras-Minville Award, HEC Montréal
2021 Elected Member of The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC)
2019 Financial Literacy Research Award, 5th Cherry Blossom Financial Education Institute, GFLEC
2018 Prix Marcel-Dagenais, Société canadienne de science économique (ex aequo with M. Carrasco)
2012 Early Career Research Award, École des sciences de la gestion (Business School), UQAM
2024-… President, Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE), Canada
2014-… Member, OECD/INFE Research Committee on Financial Education, Paris, France
2023-2024 President-elect, Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE), Canada
2019-2022 Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Economics Association (CEA), Canada
2019-2022 Member, HEC Montréal Pension Plan Board, Canada
2016-2019 Member, National Financial Literacy Research Sub-Committee, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, Canada
2014-2015 Commissioner on the Tax Reform Commission for Quebec, Government of Quebec, Canada
2024-… Member of the Board of Directors, Association des économistes Québécois (ASDEQ)
2018-… Co-chair of the committee for the Prix Gérard-Parizeau, Fonds Gérard-Parizeau, Canada
2017-… Member of the Scientific Council for the Project PANORisk, Institut du Risque et de l’Assurance du Mans, France
2013 Member of the Expert Committee to assess the quality of proposals submitted to the Fonds de partenariat pour un Québec innovant et en santé, Ministère des Finances et de l’Économie du Québec (Quebec Ministry of Finance and Economy), Canada
2013-2014 Member of the Selection Committee, Prix Fondation Gérard Parizeau, Canada
2012-2014 Director of Graduate Programs in Economics, UQAM, Canada
d’Astous, P., I. Gemmo and P.-C. Michaud (2024). [The quality of financial advice: What influences recommendations to clients?] (, Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 169, December 2024, 107291.
Boyer, M., P. De Donder, C. Fluet, M.-L. Leroux and P.-C. Michaud (2023). [La mauvaise perception des risques de longévité et de dépendance ne suffit pas à expliquer la faiblesse du marché de l’assurance dépendance (au Canada)] (, Revue trimestrielle, Association Europe-Finances-Régulations n° 152, 4e trimestre 2023.
Fonseca, R., F. Langot, P.-C. Michaud and T. Sopraseuth (2023). Understanding Health Status and Expenditures Differences: Health Prices Matters, Journal of Political Economy, 131:8, August 2023, pp. 1949–2288.
Michaud, P.-C. and I. Choinière Crèvecoeur (2023). Reverse Mortgages and Financial Literacy, Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing, 1:1, April 2023, pp. 79–102.
Laurin, M., D. Messacar and P.-C. Michaud (2023). Financial literacy and the timing of tax-preferred savings account withdrawals, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 42:2, 106922.
Achou, B., Y. Décarie, L. Godbout, P.-C. Michaud, J. Navaux and S. St-Cerny (2022). Finances of the Nation: Mitigating the Economic Impacts of Population Aging on Growth and Public Revenues—Can the Tax Mix Help?, Canadian Tax Journal/Revue fiscale canadienne, 70:4, pp. 885–893.
Clavet, N.-J., R. Hébert, P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux (2022). The Future of Long-Term Care in Quebec: What Are the Cost Savings from a Realistic Shift toward More Home Care?, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, 48:S2, pp. 35-50.
Boyer, M. M., P. d’Astous and P.-C. Michaud (2022). Tax-Preferred Savings Vehicles: Can Financial Education Improve Asset Location Decisions?, Review of Economics and Statistics, 104:3, pp. 541–556.
Bédard, N. and P.-C. Michaud (2021): Playing with Fire? Household Debt Near Retirement in Canada, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, 47:1, pp. 56-71.
Fonseca, R., P.-C. Michaud, T. Galama and A. Kapteyn (2021). Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity, Journal of the European Economic Association, 19:1, pp. 536-579.
Lacroix G., F. Laliberté-Auger, P.-C. Michaud and D. Parent (2021). The Effect of College Education on Health and Mortality: Evidence from Canada, Health Economics, 30:S1, pp. 105-118.
Décarie, Y. and P.-C. Michaud (2021) Counting the Dead: COVID-19 and Mortality in Quebec and British Columbia During the First Wave, Canadian Studies in Population, 48:2-3, pp. 139-164.
Boyer, M., S. Box-Couillard and P.-C. Michaud (2020). Demand for Annuities: Price Sensitivity, Risk Perceptions, and Knowledge, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 180, pp. 883-902.
Achou, B., D. Boisclair, P. d’Astous, R. Fonseca, F. Glenzer and P.-C. Michaud (2020). The Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Household Finances in Québec, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques 46:s3, pp. S217-S235.
Lusardi, A., P.-C. Michaud and O.S. Mitchell (2020). Assessing the Impact of Financial Education Programs: A Quantitative Model, Economics of Education Review 78, 101899.
Boyer, M., P. De Donder, C. Fluet, M.-L. Leroux and P.-C. Michaud (2020). Long-Term Care Insurance: Information Frictions and Selection, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12:3, pp.134-169.
Michaud, P.-C., A. Van Soest and L. Bissonnette (2020). Understanding Joint Retirement, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 173, pp. 386-401.
Fonseca, R., P.-C. Michaud et Y. Zheng (2019). The Effect of Education on Health: Evidence from National Compulsory Schooling Reforms, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (SERIEs) pp.1-21.
Boyer, M., P. De Donder, C. Fluet, M.-L. Leroux and P.-C. Michaud (2019). A Canadian Parlor Room-Type Approach to the Long-Term Care Insurance Puzzle, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques 45:2, pp.262-282.
Gutierrez, I. A. and P.-C. Michaud (2019). Job Insecurity and Older Workers’ Mental Health in the United States, Research in Labor Economics (Health and Labor Markets edition) 47, pp.71-98.
Boyer, M., P. De Donder, C. Fluet, M.-L. Leroux and P.-C. Michaud (2019). Long Term Care Risk Misperceptions, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 44, pp.183-215.
Boisclair, D., G. Lacroix, S. Marchand and P.-C. Michaud (2018). Individual Financial Returns from Quebec Pension Plan Reform Options: Analyzing Proposals to Renew a Second-Pillar Retirement Income Program, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, 44:2, pp.134-158.
Boisclair, D., Y. Décarie, F. Laliberté-Auger, P.-C. Michaud and C. Vincent (2018). The Economic Benefits of Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Quebec, Canada, PLoS ONE 13:1.
Bissonnette, L., M. Hurd and P.-C. Michaud (2017): Individual Survival Curves Comparing Subjective and Observed Mortality Risks, Health Economics 26:12, pp.e285–e303.
Hurd, M. D., S. Rohwedder and P.-C. Michaud (2017). The Distribution of Lifetime Nursing Home Use and of Out‐of‐Pocket Spending, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 114:37, pp.9838-9842.
French, E. B., J. McCauley, M. Aragon, P. Bakx, M. Chalkley, S. H. Chen, B. J. Christensen, H. Chuang, A. Côté-Sergent, M. De Nardi, E. Fan, D. Échevin, P.-Y. Geoffard, C. Gastaldi-Ménager, M. Gørtz, Y. Ibuka, J. B. Jones, M. Kallestrup-Lamb, M. Karlsson, T. J. Klein, G. de Lagasnerie, P.-C. Michaud, O. O’Donnell, N. Rice, J. S. Skinner, E. van Doorslaer, N. R. Ziebarth and E. Kelly (2017). End-of-Life Medical Spending In Last Twelve Months Of Life Is Lower Than Previously Reported, Health Affairs 36:7, pp.1211-1217.
Boisclair, D., A. Lusardi and P.-C. Michaud (2017): Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in Canada, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 16:3, pp.277-296.
Lusardi, A., P.-C. Michaud and O.S. Mitchell (2017): Optimal Financial Knowledge and Wealth Inequality, Journal of Political Economy 125:2, pp.431-477.
Blouin, C., D. Hamel, N. Vandal, A. D. Barry, E. Lo, G. Lacroix, J. Laguë, M.-F. Langlois, S. Martel, P.-C. Michaud and L. Pérusse (2017): The Economic Consequences of Obesity and Overweight Among Adults in Quebec, Canadian Journal of Public Health 107:6, pp.e507–e513.
Bissonnette, L., D. Boisclair, F. Laliberté-Auger, S. Marchand, P.-C. Michaud and C. Vincent (2016): Projecting the Impact of Population Aging on the Quebec Labour Market, Canadian Public Policy 42:4, pp.431–441. Honorable mention (2nd place) for the John Vanderkamp prize for the best paper published in the Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques.
Côté-Sergent, A., D. Échevin and P.-C. Michaud (2016): The Concentration of Hospital-Based Medical Spending: Evidence from Canada, Fiscal Studies 37, pp.627-651.
Michaud, P.-C., E. Crimmins and M. Hurd (2016): The Effect of Job Loss on Health: Evidence from Biomarkers, Labour Economics 41, pp.194-203.
Delprat, G., M.-L. Leroux and P.-C. Michaud (2016): Evidence on Individual Preferences for Longevity Risk, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 15:2, pp.160-179.
Garon, J.-D., A. Masse and P.-C. Michaud (2016): Health Club Attendance, Expectations and Self-Control, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 119, pp.364-374.
Boisclair, D., J.-Y. Duclos, S. Marchand and P.C. Michaud (2015): Une analyse économique de propositions visant à bonifier la couverture du risque de longévité, L’Actualité économique 91:4.
Côté-Sergent, A., J.-Y. Duclos, A. Lekina, S. Marchand and P.-C. Michaud (2015): Projections de l’état de santé de la population québécoise et impacts sur le risque de longévité d’un régime de retraite à prestations déterminées, L’Actualité économique 91:4.
Laliberté-Auger, F., A. Côté-Sergent, D. Boisclair, Y. Décarie, J.-Y. Duclos and P.-C. Michaud (2015) : Utilisation et coût de l’hébergement avec soins de longue durée au Québec, 2010 à 2050, Assurances et gestion des risques 82:3-4, pp.23-41.
Solé-Auró, A., P.-C. Michaud, M. Hurd and E. Crimmins (2015): Disease Incidence and Mortality Among Older Americans and Europeans, Demography 52:2, pp.593-611.
Michaud, P.-C. and T. Lalime (2014) : Littératie financière et préparation à la retraite au Québec et dans le reste du Canada, L’Actualité économique 90:1, pp.23-45.
Hurd, M., P.-C. Michaud and S. Rohwedder (2014): “The Lifetime Risk of Nursing Home Use”, in Wise, D. (ed.), Discoveries in the Economics of Aging, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, pp.81-113.
Goldman, D., D. Cutler, J.W. Rowe, P.-C. Michaud, J. Sullivan, D. Peneva and S.J. Olshansky (2013): Substantial Health And Economic Returns From Delayed Aging May Warrant A New Focus For Medical Research, Health Affairs 32:10, pp.1698-1705.
Galama, T., A. Kapteyn, R. Fonseca and P.-C. Michaud (2013): A Health Production Model with Endogenous Retirement, Health Economics 22:8, pp.883–902.
Lakdawalla, D., P.-C. Michaud, L. Bradley, M. Eiber and J. Sullivan (2013): Measuring the Value of Better Diabetes Management, American Journal of Managed Care 19:sp2. Published online April 12, 2013.
Dionne, G., P.-C. Michaud and M. Dahchour (2013): Separating Moral Hazard from Adverse Selection in Automobile Insurance: Longitudinal Evidence from France. Journal of the European Economic Association* 11:4, pp.897–917.
Dionne, G., P.-C. Michaud and J. Pinquet (2013): A review of recent theoretical and empirical analyses of asymmetric information in road safety and automobile insurance, Research in Transportation Economics 43, pp.85-97.
Michaud, P.-C., D. Lakdawalla, D. Goldman, Y. Zheng and A. Gailey (2012): The Value of Medical and Pharmaceutical Interventions for Reducing Obesity, Journal of Health Economics 31:4, pp.630-643.
Hurd, M., P.-C. Michaud and S. Rohwedder (2012): The Displacement Effect of Public Pensions on the Accumulation of Financial Assets, Fiscal Studies 33:1, pp.107-128.
Michaud, P.-C., D. Goldman, D. Lakdawalla, A. Gailey and Y. Zheng (2011): Differences in Health between Americans and Western Europeans: Effects on Longevity and Public Finance, Social Science and Medicine 73:2, pp.254-63.
Michaud, P.-C. and F. Vermeulen (2011): A Collective Labor Supply Model with Complementarities in Leisure: Identification and Estimation by Means of Panel Data Labour Economics 18:2, pp.159-167.
Michaud, P.-C., A. Kapteyn, J. Smith and A. van Soest (2011): Temporary and permanent unit non-response in follow-up interviews of the Health and Retirement Study Longitudinal and Life course Studies 2:2, pp.145-169.
Michaud, P.-C. and K. Tatsiramos (2011): Fertility and Female Employment Dynamics in Europe: The Effect of Using Alternative Econometric Modeling Assumptions, Journal of Applied Econometrics 26:4, pp.641-668.
Meijer, E., L. Karoly and P.-C. Michaud (2010): Estimates of Potential Eligibility for Low Income Subsidies under Medicare Part D, Social Security Bulletin 70:2, pp.63-82.
Goldman, D., P.-C. Michaud, D. Lakdawalla, Y. Zheng, A. Gailey and I. Vaynman (2010): The Fiscal Consequences of Trends in Population Health, National Tax Journal 63:2, pp.307-330.
Michaud, P.-C., A. Heitmueller and Z. Nazarov (2010): A Dynamic Analysis of Informal Care and Employment in England, Labour Economics 17:3, pp.455-465.
Goldman, D., Y. Zheng, F. Girosi, P.-C. Michaud, S.J. Olshansky, D. Cutler and J. Rowe (2009): The Benefits of Risk Factor Prevention in Americans Aged 51 and Older, American Journal of Public Health 99:11, pp.2096-2101.
Brunello, G., P.-C. Michaud and A. Sanz-de-Galdeano (2009): The Rise of Obesity Across The Atlantic, Economic Policy 59, pp.551-596.
Lakdawalla, D., D. Goldman, P.-C. Michaud, N. Sood, R. Lempert, Z. Cong, H. de Vries and I. Gutierrez (2009): U.S. Pharmaceutical Policy in a Global Marketplace, Health Affairs 28:1, pp.w138-w150.
Michaud, P.-C. and A. van Soest (2008): Health and Wealth of Elderly Couples: Causality Tests using Dynamic Panel Data Models Journal of Health Economics 27:5, pp.1312-1325.
Michaud, P.-C. and A. van Soest (2008): How Did the Elimination of the US Earnings Test above the Normal Retirement Age Affect Labour Supply Expectations? Fiscal Studies 29:2, pp.197-231.
Michaud, P.-C., A. van Soest and T. Andreyeva (2007): Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Patterns among Older Americans and Europeans, Berkeley Press Forum for Health Economics & Policy 10:2 (Aging and Medical Care Costs), Article 8.
Fonseca, R., P.-C. Michaud and T. Sopraseuth (2007): “Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Liquidity Constraints, and Start-up Costs”, Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 28:4.
Fonseca, R., P.-C. Michaud and T. Sopraseuth (2007): « Le travail indépendant passé 50 ans : le rôle de la richesse individuelle et des coûts de création d’entreprise », Économie et Statistique 403-404, pp.1-20.
Andreyeva, T., P.-C. Michaud and A. van Soest (2007): “Obesity and Health in Europeans aged 50 years and older”, Public Health 121, pp.497-509.
Michaud, P.-C. and D. Vencatachellum (2003): “Human Capital Externalities in South Africa”, Economic Development and Cultural Change 2003, 51:3, pp.603-628.
Clavet, N.-J., P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux (2022). Les effets de la diplomation universitaire sur les finances publiques In B. Dostie and C. Haeck (dir.), Le Québec économique 10. Compétences et transformation du marché du travail, 9, pp. 179-200. CIRANO.
« Horizon 2040 : des mesures concrètes pour un virage vers le soutien à domicile » (With Nicholas-James Clavet, Réjean Hébert, and Julien Navaux), April 2024.
« Plan québécois des infrastructures – comparaison interprovinciale et soutenabilité » (with L. Lévesque, M. Joanis, J. Brasseur, and Q. Winstel), Project Reports Series, CIRANO, 2023RP-28.
« Horizon 2040 : Projection des impacts du soutien à l’autonomie au Québec » (with N.-J. Clavet, R. Hébert, J. Navaux, and M. Raîche), Research Report from the Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair on Economic Policies submitted to the Commissioner of Health and Well-being, November 2023.
« Entre Souplesse et Prudence - Pistes de réflexion pour moderniser la politique budgétaire du Québec », (with B. Barrucco, J.-M. Cousineau, L. Godbout, M. Homsy, M. Joanis, J.-L. Landry, L. Lévesque, P.-C. Michaud Y. St-Maurice and L. Vallée), Discussion paper, Association des économistes québécois (ASDEQ) et l’Institut du Québec (IDQ).
« La pandémie de COVID-19 et ses effets sur les finances publiques du gouvernement du Québec 2020-2035 », (with B. Achou, Y. Décarie, R. Fonseca, and J. Navaux), Project Reports Series, CIRANO, 2020RP-29.
« La santé au cœur de la relance économique au Québec », (with M. Araj, J. Bolduc, C. Bolster-Foucault, R. Borgès Da Silva, M. Bourassa Forcier, F. Brundisini, S. Coulibaly, C.-A. Dubois, R. Fonseca, B. Fortin, R. Godefroy, K. Thomas Golo, M. Isabelle, M. Laberge, G. Lacroix, C. Montmarquette, T. G. Poder, A. Quesnel-Vallée, C. Savard, E. C. Strumpf, O. Toussaint-Martin and E. Tchouaket Nguemeleu), For reflexion… Series, CIRANO, 2020PR-01.
« Hausser l’âge d’admissibilité aux prestations du Régime de rentes du Québec ? » (with Y. Décarie, F. Glenzer, F. Laliberté-Auger and S. Staubli), IRPP Study, Montréal, Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2020.
« Fonctionnement du marché des assurances privées de personnes dans le cadre de l’assurance médicaments et son encadrement réglementaire au Québec », (with M. Bourassa Forcier, A. Côté-Sergent, S. Boulenger, C. Gaboury Lachance and C. Abbamonte), Report to the Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO), July 2017.
“Recent Trends in Retirement Patterns in Canada”, (with P. Merrigan and P. Lefebvre), Report to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, September 2011.
“Estimates of Potential Eligibility for Low Income Subsidies Under Medicare Part D”, (with E. Meijer and L. Karoly), RAND Report to the U.S. Social Security Administration, 2009.
“An Analysis of the Labor Markets for Anasthesiology” (with K. Kumar, R. Fonseca and L. Daugherty), RAND Health Report to Johnson & Johnson Inc., 2009.
P.-C. Michaud « Combler l’écart de niveau de vie entre le Québec et ses principaux partenaires » For reflection, 2023PR-02.
P.-C. Michaud « Viser un Régime de rentes flexible et à la portée de tous », RSI Brief #2. 2023.
Busby C., T. LoRiggio and P.-C. Michaud “Canadians’ Wealth Around Retirement: What Decades of Change Mean for Retirement Income Adequacy”, RSI Brief #1. 2023.
Michaud, P.-C., K. Milligan and T. Schirle. “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Pensions, Retirement, Longevity, and Long-Term Care”, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, Vol. 48, no. S2, November 2022, pp. 1-4.
d’Astous, P., P.-C. Michaud, J.-M. Samuel and G. Simard-Duplain “Intergenerational Transmission of Saving Propensity: New Insights from Canadian Data”, Technical Report, Think Forward Initiative (TFI), November 2022.
Astous P., I. Gemmo and P.-C. Michaud. “The Quality of Financial Advice: What Influences Client Recommendations”, FP Canada Research Foundation, December 2022.
Messacar, D., M. Laurin and P.-C. Michaud. “Understanding the tax implications of Registered Retirement Savings Plans”, Statistics Canada, Economic and Social Reports, Vol. 2, no.2, February 2022.
Clavet, N.-J., R. E. Emone, R. Fonseca and P.-C. Michaud. « Évolution des incitations au travail au Québec de 2016 à 2021 : les familles avec enfants », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2022-04.
Clavet, N.-J., R. Fonseca, P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « Portrait des grands utilisateurs de soins publics de santé au Québec », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2022-03.
Clavet, N.-J., R. E. Emone, R. Fonseca and P.-C. Michaud. « Évolution des incitations au travail au Québec de 2016 à 2021 : les travailleurs expérimentés », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2022-02.
Clavet, N.-J., R. Fonseca, P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « Mieux comprendre la croissance structurelle des dépenses publiques de santé au québec », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2022-01.
D. Boisclair, R. Borgès Da Silva, V. Boucher, N. de Marcellis-Warin, P.-C. Michaud and I. Peignier. « Combien de personnes ont développé des symptômes ou contracté la Covid-19 au Québec ? Une étude exploratoire », Working Papers, CIRANO, 2022s-03.
Clavet, N.-J., P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « Bonifier les salaires en soutien à l’autonomie : jusqu’où aller pour combler les besoins? », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2021-04.
Clavet, N.-J., P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « Les travailleurs expérimentés à la rescousse : le jeu en vaut-il la chandelle? », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2021-03.
Clavet, N.-J., P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « La revanche des berceaux? Une bonne idée au mauvais moment », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2021-02.
Clavet, N.-J., P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « Vieillissement de la population et finances publiques », CREEi, Analysis Note No. 2021-01.
Fonseca, R., P.-C. Michaud and J. Navaux. « Le Transfert Canadien en santé doit être bonifié afin d’assurer les services dans une contexte de vieillissement accéléré », Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-41.
Boisclair, D., R. Fonseca, M. Laurin, P.-C. Michaud, P. Ouimet, G. Simard-Duplain and P.-Y. Yanni. « Effets de la pandémie et des mesures de soutien sur l’impôt des particuliers au Québec et au Canada », Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-32.
Boisclair, D., R. Fonseca, S. Lord and P.-C. Michaud. « La COVID-19 et le marché du travail : Bilan des derniers mois et leçons tirées des études internationales », Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-31.
Achou, B., D. Boisclair, P. d’Astous, R. Fonseca, F. Glenzer and P.-C. Michaud. “Snapshot of Households That Received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and Paths for Further Investigation”, Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-30.
Achou, B., D. Boisclair, P. d’Astous, R. Fonseca, F. Glenzer and P.-C. Michaud. “Impacts of the Pandemic on Personal Finances: A Preliminary Assessment”, Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-25.
Boisclair, D., R. Fonseca, P.-C. Michaud, G. Simard-Duplain and P.-Y. Yanni. “Do we Need to Take Another Look at Income Support? Impacts on the Incentive to Work”, Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-23.
Michaud, P.-C. « Compter les morts? Une analyse de la mortalité excédentaire récente en temps de pandémie », Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-19.
Michaud, P.-C. « Soins de longue durée : une opportunité de réflexion pour ne plus répéter les mêmes erreurs », Insights Series, CIRANO, 2020PE-07.
Michaud, P.-C. (2017): “The Value of Financial Literacy and Financial Education for Workers”, IZA World of Labor, 400, November.
Michaud, P.-C. (2015): “Fix the Guaranteed Income Supplement”, Policy Options 36(2), Institute for Research on Public Policy, March-April.
Boisclair, D. and P.-C. Michaud (2013): « Les défis de la rente longévité », Policy Options, Institute for Research on Public Policy, June.
Côté-Sergent, A., R. Fonseca and P.-C. Michaud (2012): « Les dépenses de santé, la santé et la longévité », in Rheault, S. and J. Poirier (eds), Le vieillissement démographique : de nombreux enjeux à déchiffrer, Institut de la Statistique du Québec, Québec, pp. 193-206.
Lefebvre, P., P. Merrigan and P.-C. Michaud (2012): « L’évolution récente des comportements de retraite au Canada », in Rheault, S. and J. Poirier (eds), Le vieillissement démographique : de nombreux enjeux à déchiffrer, Institut de la Statistique du Québec, Québec, pp. 45-56.
Quatre fois plus de services pour la même facture Presentation at the Conférence des Tables régionales de concertation des aînés du Québec, September 17, 2024.
Longevity, Health and Housing Risks Management in Retirement Presentation at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Dynamics, June 28, 2024.
Selection into Financial Education and Effects on Portfolio Choice Presentation in the category ”household finance” at Netspar’s International Pension Workshop 2024, June 20, 2024.
The Role of Financial Literacy, Education, and Advice in Financial and Retirement Planning Decisions Presentation by Pierre-Carl Michaud as keynote speaker at the 9th International Pension Research Association (IPRA) Conference, June 12, 2024.
“Réfléchir le long terme, rôle et outils de l’économiste” Workshop Panelist at the 2024 conference of the Association des économistes québécois, May 9, 2024.
Horizon 2040 : des mesures concrètes pour un virage vers le soutien à domicile Presentation at the Rendez-vous national sur le maintien à domicile, in the category “Réussites d’ici et d’ailleurs,” May 8, 2024.
Roundtable “Economic Growth in Quebec: The Role of Public Policies” Participation at the conference in honour of three professors of ESG UQAM, May 3, 2024.
Preference-Based Evaluation of Long-Term Care Reform Proposals: Evidence from Canada” Presentation at the conference “Demand and supply of LTC services: new perspectives from economics, sociology and political sciences,” held at CIRANO, April 18, 2024.
National Assembly’s Committee on Public Finance Hearing at the Committee on Public Finance sitting on the Bill 35 project, an act concerning the implementation of certain provisions of the budget speech, November 23, 2023.
Les perspectives cachées de la transition démographique At the new Hélène-Desmarais building in downtown HEC Montréal, hosting of the inaugural edition of ‘Rendez-vous avec un expert’ with Diplômés + Fondation HEC Montréal on October 12, 2023.
Frames, Incentives, and Education: Effectiveness of Interventions to Delay Public Pension Claiming Presentation at the Retraite Québec Expert Roundtable on Retirement Issues, October 6, 2023.
RETRAITE : Quand prendre sa retraite ? Facteurs et impacts à prendre en considération face à cette grande décision Presentation on a panel during the ARASQ (Association de la retraite et des avantages sociaux du Québec) annual conference, September 22, 2023.
Défis du 4e âge à travers la francophonie : une perspective socio-économique Presentation during the Congrès International Francophone de Gérontologie et Gériatrie conference, September 20, 2023.
Longevity, Health and Housing Risks Management in Retirement Presentation at the NBER Summer Institute 2023 Aging Conference, July 25, 2023.
Moderator for the Global Risk Institute virtual conference, “Evolution of Gender Patterns in Retirement Saving in Canada” June 6, 2023.
Host for a lunchtime conference on sustainable public finance during the Association des économistes québécois annual conference, May 12, 2023.
Frames, incentives, and education: effectiveness of interventions to delay public pension claiming Presentation at the 62nd annual Société canadienne de science économique conference, May 10, 2023.
Information, incitations et éducation : l’efficacité d’interventions visant à retarder la prise de pensions publiques Presentation at the 90th Acfas annual conference, May 9, 2023.
Presentation of the Retirement and Savings Institute’s web surveys as part of the workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics for Innovative Policy-Making of the CIRANO, April 19, 2023.
Longevity, Health and Housing Risks Management in Retirement Presentation at the CEMFI Economics of Health and Aging Conference, March 23, 2023.
Longevity, Health and Housing Risks Management in Retirement Presentation at École Thématique sur l’Évaluation des Politiques publiques (ETEPP), in Aussois, France, March 14, 2023.
Frames, Incentives, and Education: Effectiveness of Interventions to Delay Public Pension Claiming Presentation at a Bank of Spain seminar, March 8, 2023.
Asset Decumulation and Risk Management in Retirement Presentation at CEPAR’s 30th Colloquium on Pensions and Retirement Research, in Sydney, Australia, November 29, 2022.
Asset Decumulation and Risk Management in Retirement Presentation at the 3rd CEAR-RSI Household Finance Workshop, November 12, 2022.
Asset Decumulation and Risk Management in Retirement Presentation at a Western University Department of Economics seminar, October 27, 2022.
Frames, Incentives and Information: Effectiveness of Interventions to Delay Public Pension Claiming Presentation at a Netspar conference on work, health and retirement, June 22, 2022.
Risk Management in Retirement: Estimating a Structural Model with Experimental Data Presentation at the congrès 2022 de la Société canadienne de science économique, May 13, 2022.
Les finances publiques souffriront-elles de la COVID longue? Presentation at the congrès annuel 2022 of l’Association des économistes québécois, May 12, 2022.
Understanding Cross-country Differences in Health Status and Expenditures Presentation for a CREEi-RSI academic online working seminar, December 6, 2021.
Tax-Preferred Savings Vehicles: Can Financial Education Improve Asset Location Decisions? Presentation of an article on the use of tax-preferred savings accounts for the Florida Applied Micro Virtual Seminar Series Fall 2021, November 18, 2021.
Financial Literacy: Shaping the Future of the Field Discussion panel for a webinar organized by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) of the George Washington University School of Business, October 20, 2021.
Mitigating the economic impacts of aging on growth and public revenues Presentation during a Finances of the Nation Research Seminar, June 11, 2021.
Financial Literacy in Canada: Insights from Teaching and Research Interview for the podcast of the McGill Personal Finance Essentials online course, June 7, 2021.
Les impacts financiers d’un virage vers les soins à domicile au Québec Presentation during the online conference « Virage vers les soins à domicile au Québec? Enjeux et possibilités », May 27, 2021.
L’économie du vieillissement Presentation, on the economics of aging, organized by AvantÂge and presented in collaboration with the Observatory on Aging & Society (OAS), April 22, 2021.
Volatilité des revenus sur le cycle de vie, santé et bien-être Presentation for Les séminaires du département de démographie of Université de Montréal, March 25, 2021.
Les Canadiens sont-ils en voie d’être bien préparés pour la retraite? Presentation for an Webinar organized by ARASQ related to the RSI Canadians’ Preparation for Retirement (CPR) report, October 21, 2020.
La cigale et la fourmi? Finances personnelles et publiques en temps de pandémie Presentation for HEC Montréal’s Midis de la recherche, October 14, 2020.
Spotlight on Income and Employment Virtual panel as part of a conference organized by the CRDCN, October 5, 2020.
L’enjeu de l’endettement Panel during the Symposium sur les finances publiques au Québec, organized by the Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques, Montréal, September 3, 2020.
An Innovative Tool to Assess Canadians’ Retirement Preparation Presentation for a Global Risk Institute National Pension Hub Seminar (NPH Insight Series) to introduce an innovative RSI tool, the Canadians’ Preparation for Retirement (CPR) calculator, August 27, 2020.
Long-Term Care Insurance: Information Frictions and Selection Presentation by Pierre-Carl Michaud during the Brain to Society: Decision and Behavior Seminar Series, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montréal, 16 January, 2020
Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions? Presentation by Pierre-Carl Michaud during a Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich Research Seminar, Zürich, Switzerland, 16 December, 2019
Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions? Presentation by Pierre-Carl Michaud at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), for the “Research Seminar Series (RSS)”, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, 22 October 2019
The Effect of College Education on Health and Mortality: Evidence from Canada Presentation during a seminar in health economics at the University of Ottawa, for the Department of Economics (Canada and the World Economy Lecture Series), Ottawa, 4 June 2019
The Effect of College Education on Health and Mortality: Evidence from Canada. Presentation at the 53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA), during a session titled “Statistics Canada: Health and Retirement Preparedness in Canada,” Banff, 1 June 2019
Les implications sur les finances publiques du Québec Presentation at the 44^e^ Congrès de l’Association des économistes québécois titled “Démographie, immigration et transformation du marché du travail : menaces ou opportunités?,” Québec City, 29 May 2019
Évolution future de la situation économique des aînés au Québec Presentation for the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), Québec City, 10 May 2019
Understanding Joint Retirement Presentation at the Journée d’études : Famille et Retraite at l’INED, 7 May 2019
Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions? Presentation at the OCGSE Seminars of the University of Ottawa, 5 April 2019
Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions? Presentation at the 10e École Thématique CNRS sur l’Évaluation des Politiques Publiques (ETEPP), Aussois, France, 20 March 2019
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), Portrait de la situation financière des personnes proches aidantes au Québec, role: PI, 2024-2026.
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), International Workshop on Household Finance, role: Co-Investigator (PI: Philippe d’Astous), 2024.
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Long-Term Care Demand and Supply in Canada, role: PI, 2024-2029.
Finances Québec: Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy, Research Chair, role: PI, 2023-2028
Multiple partners: Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy, Research Chair, role: PI, 2023-2028
Global Risk Institute: Retirement research partnership whose funds are redirected to 4 projects led by other researchers, role : PI, 2023-2025
Mouvement Desjardins: Financial Education Lab and Desjardins Research Professorship in Personal Finance, role: researcher (PI: Philippe d’Astous), 2022-2027
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture: ”Étude des conditions de vie et des systèmes publics et privés de protection sociale liés au vieillissement de la population québécoise”, Programme Soutien aux équipes de recherche, role: Co-Investigator (PI: Marie-Louise Leroux), 2018-2027
Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être: contract, role: PI 2022-2024
Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grant: “Environmental Footprint of Mutual Funds and Pension Plans”, role: researcher (PI: Iwan Meier), 2021-2024
Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grant: “Income security in retirement: perceptions, incentives and behaviours”, role: PI, 2020-2024
Employment and Social Development Canada: Canadian retirement microsimulation model, role: PI, 2019-2024
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI): “High-Efficiency Computing for Behavioural Economic Analyses of Large Proprietary Microdata Sets”, role: PI, 2020-2024 (***grant received by HEC Montréal)
FP Canada: contract, role: PI, 2021-2023
CIRANO/Ministère des Finances du Québec and Retraite Québec: Research Chair in Intergenerational Economic Issues, Research Chair, role: PI, 2019-2024
Think Forward Initiative (TFI), Long-term grant: “Intergenerational transmission of saving propensity: new insights from Canadian tax data and policy changes”, role: researcher (PI: Philippe d’Astous), 2020-2022
Global Risk Institute’s National Pension Hub: “Future Pension Plan Adequacy in a Changing World”, role: PI, 2019-2022
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC): “Financial Literacy and Tax-planning Behaviour – A linkage Report”, role: PI, 2019-2020
Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grant: “Protection Against Financial Risks in Retirement: An Economic Analysis of Disability Risk”, role: PI, 2016-2020.
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture: “Évolution future de la situation économique des aînés au Québec”, Programme Actions concertées, role: PI, 2015-2020
CIRANO/Ministère des Finances du Québec, iA Financial Group, and Retraite Québec: Industrial Alliance Research Chair on the Economics of Demographic Change, Research Chair, role: PI, 2014-2019
Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (NETSPAR): “Flexible combinations of work and retirement”, role: Co-Investigator (PI: D. van Vuuren), 2015-2018
National Institute on Aging (NIA): “Health and Economic Status in Older Populations”, role: Co-Investigator (PI: S. Rohwedder), 2013-2018
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture: “Mobilité et inégalités : le rôle des changements économiques et sociaux et des politiques publiques”, Programme Actions concertées, role: Co-Investigator (PI: G. Lacroix), 2015-2018
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): “Future Well-Being of the Elderly” Workshop, role: Principal Investigator, 2016
Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (NETSPAR): “Pension savings and consumption needs of current and future retirees”, role: Co-Investigator (PI: R. Alessie), 2013-2016
National Institutes of Health (R01): “Working Lives, Physiological Dysregulation and International Health Differences”, role: PI at RAND, 2011-2016
National Institutes of Health (R01): “The Value of Long-Term Care Insurance to Married and Single Persons”, role: collaborator at RAND (PI Michael Hurd) 2011-2016
National Institutes of Aging (P01): “Structural Modeling of Retirement and Savings Behavior across Countries”, role: Co-PI of sub-project (PI: A. Kapteyn), 2010-2015
Pension Research Council and Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association - College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF): “Optimal Saving Behavior: Implications for Financial Education and Policy”, role: co-PI, 2013-2014
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada: “Développement du modèle comportemental d’offre de travail au Canada”, Contract 9103-10-0001 awarded to a consortium formed by Université Laval researchers (Duclos, Lacroix, Fortin, Bellemare) and Pierre-Carl Michaud (UQAM)
Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture: “Épargne et littératie financière au Canada”, role: Project leader, 2011-2013
National Institutes of Aging (R01): “Robust Integrated Retirement Modeling”, role: Co-Investigator (PI: Arie Kapteyn), 2007-2012
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada: “Les déterminants de la retraite au Canada”, role: co-PI, 2011
Precision Health Economics Consulting: “The Economic Consequences of Diabetes”, role: Consultant, 2011
U.S. Social Security Administration: “Optimal Financial Knowledge and Preparation for Retirement”, role: Co-Investigator (PI: Olivia Mitchell and Annamaria Lusardi), 2010-2011
National Institutes of Aging (Supplement to grant P01 AG022481): “Stated preferences for Joint Retirement”, role: Co-PI with A. van Soest, 2007-2010
Michigan Retirement Research Center: “The Effect of Policy on Work, Disability and Wealth” (with S. Rohwedder and M. Hurd), role: PI, 2009
Michigan Retirement Research Center: “Forecasting Labor Force Participation and Retirement Resources of the Early Boomers in the HRS”, role: Co-PI, 2008
U.S. Department of Labor: “Understanding the Economic Consequences of Shifting Trends in Population Health”, role: Co-PI with D. Goldman, 2007
Michigan Retirement Research Center: “The Effect of Abolishing the Earnings Test on Labor Market Behavior Before Age 65”, role: Co-PI with A. van Soest, 2006
American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Economic Journal, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Labour Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Tax and Public Finance, Health Economics, Social Science and Medicine, European Economic Review, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Health Economics, American Economic Journal, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Statistics in Medicine, and many more…
2024-… Editor, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
2009-2024 Editorial Board, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
2013-2016 Comité de rédaction (Co-editor), L’Actualité économique
2024-… HEC Montréal: Politiques et finances publiques, (undergraduate).
2022-… HEC Montréal: L’environnement macroéconomique de l’entreprise, (undergraduate).
2016-… HEC Montréal: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Behavioral Economics and Finance (Ph.D.), Public Economics (undergraduate), Health Economics (undergraduate as well as graduate), Microeconomics (undergraduate).
2010-2016 UQAM: Microeconometrics (graduate), Microeconomics III (undergraduate), Economics of population aging (graduate)
2008-2010 Pardee RAND Graduate School: Advanced Econometrics: Longitudinal and Transition Data
2009 Pardee RAND Graduate School: Tutorial on Non-Parametric Econometrics
2009 Pardee RAND Graduate School: Tutorial on Dynamic Programming
2002-2005 Tilburg University (as sessional lecturer): Statistics for Business (undergraduate)
Ph.D. Students
Ismaël Choinière-Crèvecoeur (2020), Nicholas-James Clavet (2018), Thomas Lalime (2017), Jack Clift (2012), Adam Gailey (2012), Meenakshi Fernandes (2010), Xiaoyan Li (2010), Ze Cong (2009), Quifei Ma, (2009), Yuhui Zheng (2008)
External Ph.D. Thesis Committee
Ze Zhong Shang (2019, Le Mans Université, France), Yannis Mesquida (2019, University of Lausanne, Switzerland), Jiayi Wen (2018, CEMFI, Spain), Jesus Bueren (2018, CEMFI, Spain), Jochem de Bresser (2012, Tilburg University, Netherlands), Luc Bissonnette (2011, Tilburg University, Netherlands), Amji Ben Khalifa (2011, ESG UQAM), Myra Yazbeck (2011, Université Laval)
Master Students
Taib Muffak (ongoing), Fabrice Gélinas-Larrain (ongoing), Quentin Winstel (ongoing), Yao Li (ongoing), Paul Ouimet (ongoing), Jennifer Salloum (2024), Aya Artay (2024), Xavier Dufour-Simard (2023), Alexa Samuel (2023), Néfély Ravaud (2022), Jérémy Beaupré (2022), Marianne Laurin (2021), Simon Dagenais (2020), Jean-Garry-Junior Roc (2020), Lauren Delort (2020), Nicolas Bédard (2019), Jeiel-Onel Mézil (2019), Maxime Juckenack-Mellinger (2019), Marc-André Dubeau (2019), Étienne Grenier (2019), Sébastien Box-Couillard (2018), Guillaume Poulin-Bellisle (2018), Arianne Campeau (2018), Annabelle Lamy (2017), Laure Sebrier (2016), Aurélie Côté-Sergent (2014), Stéphanie Fagnant (2014), Jonathan Fortier (2013), Guillaume Germain (2013), Oualid Moussouni (2013), Patrick Aubry (2012), Alix Masse (2012)
“Instead of enriching OAS, consider folding it into CPP/QPP,” op-ed in the Financial Post, October 30, 2024.
« Quel avenir pour la pension de vieillesse? », op-ed in La Presse +, October 28, 2024.
« Hausser la pension de la Sécurité de la vieillesse, une question d’équité? », Le Devoir, October 2, 2024.
« Un projet de loi pour augmenter les pensions de vieillesse », Radio-Canada show « Ça nous regarde », September 25, 2024.
Appearance on RDI to discuss Old Age Security Pension, September 25, 2024.
« Un transfert de 1000 milliards de dollars est en cours chez les Québécois », Le Devoir, June 8, 2024.
« Plus de dignité pour nos aînés », Le Nouvelliste, May 18, 2024.
« Québécois, il faut retrouver le goût d’innover », La Presse, May 11, 2024.
« Les économistes, le niveau de vie et le bonheur », La Presse, May 8,2024.
« Obtenir des soins à domicile, la solution miracle? », CHOI 98,1, May 2, 2024.
« Le Québec a besoin de solutions à ses défis financiers à long terme », Options politiques, March 20, 2024.
« Face au vieillissement des Canadiens, les provinces doivent collaborer », Options politiques, January 16, 2024.
« Les finances personnelles des Québécois sous pression », Le Devoir, December 2, 2023.
« Le statu quo n’est pas tenable, conclut une étude », La Presse, November 15, 2023.
« Des besoins énormes en soutien à domicile en 2040 », Le Devoir, November 15, 2023.
Discussion of the « Horizon 2040 : Projection des impacts du soutien à l’autonomie au Québec » report, ICI RDI – Zone économie, November 15, 2023.
« Un rattrapage économique plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît », Le Devoir,* November 10, 2023.
« Ceci n’est pas la retraite que j’avais prévue… », La Presse, April 23, 2023.
« Perspectives 2023 des régimes de retraite et réforme des retraites en France », Zone économie, Radio-Canada, January 20, 2023.
« Comment parler d’argent aux enfants? », « Question d’intérêt » Radio-Canada podcast, November 10, 2022
« 1% des patients génèrent le quart des dépenses de santé », Le Devoir, May 19, 2022.
« Pour une meilleure autonomie financière des aînés », La Presse, March 12, 2022.
« La crise de la main-d’œuvre était prévisible? Vrai », Agence Science-Presse, December 8, 2021.
“Quebec needs more older workers…,” Radio Noon Quebec with Shawn Apel, CBC, October 15, 2021.
« La pénurie s’invite aux tables de négociations », La Presse, September 25, 2021.
« Vieillir à la maison », L’actualité, August 4, 2021.
“COVID en el mundo. Canadá,” Nada es Gratis, June 4, 2021.
« Une solution ingénieuse pour soigner les aînés », La Presse, May 27, 2021.
« Les soins à domicile ne sont pas une panacée », La Presse, February 3, 2021.
« Le Québec vieillit », Le Téléjournal, ICI-Radio Canada, January 27, 2021.
« Un nouveau grand confinement ? », ICI RDI – Zone économie, December 7, 2020.
« Remettons le Québec sur pause, prônent de nombreux experts », La Presse, December 7, 2020.
« Faut-il remettre le Québec sur pause ? », ICI-RDI, RDI Matin, December 7, 2020.
« Agir collectivement pour sauver des vies », La Presse, December 7, 2020.
“What Quebec’s COVID-19 experiment can teach us about the second wave,” The Globe and Mail, 20 November, 2020.
« Le tiers des défunts seraient morts dans les semaines suivantes », La Presse, 11 November, 2020.
« Épargner… et puis après ? », La Presse, 6 October, 2020.
« Hausse intrigante des morts chez les aînés au cours de l’été ? », La Presse, 25 September, 2020.
“Pierre-Carl Michaud: Should you take your CPP/QPP pension at 60 or hang tight?,” Financial Post, 1 September 2020.
« La retraite à 60 ans ? », RDI Économie, 25 August 2020.
« Faut-il hausser l’âge d’admissibilité aux régimes de retraite ? », La Presse, 19 June 2020.
« Surmortalité: près de 50% plus de décès au sommet de la crise », La Presse, 19 June 2020.
« Certains auraient pu se passer de la PCU, selon une étude », La Presse +, 12 June 2020.
« Les familles vulnérables davantage touchées », La Presse +, 11 June 2020.
« Covid-19 : Les effets sur les finances personnelles et l’incitation au travail », entrevue télé, RDI Économie, 4 June 2020.
“Quebec Mortality Data show unaccounted excess deaths”, The Globe and Mail, 22 May 2020.
« Pas d’épidémie cachée au Québec », La Presse, 22 May 2020.
« Avril, mois le plus meurtrier en 10 ans », La Presse, 15 May 2020.
« Enrichir le savoir… et les gens », La Presse XTRA, 22 April 2020.
« Hausse de l’âge de la retraite : des gagnants et des perdants », Avantages, 23 January 2020.
« De quoi aura l’air le Québec en 2066 ? », TV interview, RDI Économie, 11 July 2019.
« Pas plus d’immigrants, surtout mieux d’immigrants », La Presse +, 30 May 30 2019.
« Les Canadiens boudent les solutions pour survivre à leur épargne », Le Journal de l’Assurance, January- February 2019.
« Huit conseils pour commencer à l’épargner », interview, L’actualité, 6 February 2019.
« L’espérance de vie, cette éternelle incomprise », interview, Avantages, 14 January 2019.
Last updated: December 13, 2024